


Jo saw a dude in Rockwell wearing a Che pin, along with one designed with the American flag. What would Che say if he saw it? Was the dude aware of what he was wearing?

He was a perfect case to discuss where the line between contradictons, and irony should be drawn in this information flooded times we have now.
A mini shoveling tractor was leasurely chugging along J.P. Rizal last night. with the speed it was going along a public road, it attracted attention as it gave off an unintentional arrogance of an aristocrat, who could afford doing things in a slow pace when everybody else had to go around fast in their chores.

I say unintentional as a mini tractor, one that spends its whole existence in close intimacy with dirt, is one that’s least associated with aristocracy.

The bomb was that the driver of the said tractor, was texting while driving! Everybody was hooting and giving him amused looks. A van sped pass by and jeeredloudly at him. His head was bent down, texting away, oblivious to everyone, even to his driving.


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