After finishing a meeting at UP Fine Arts, I decided to walk it up to the Sunken Garden. I saw a guy trying to assist his girl companion in crossing the water pipe along the grassy area between _____St, and ________ St. They were only one fourths through its length and it seems the girl was panicking. Some scavenger kids were pointing at them, shaking their heads saying how UP students tend to do stupid stunts like that. I for one admit it’s one of those “things to do at UP before you graduate.” I did it. I even did it four more times so that four people could say they’ve done it before graduating UP.
Actually, one of them didn’t get to finish his course. Count to think of it, I haven’t graduated yet myself, haha.
Walking along University Ave., I passed by a man wearing a Coney Island tee with a stars and stripes motif. He kept on adjusting his cap, and was walking all over the place. I thought it was too early to forget your troubles, but to each his own right? Passing by the Faculty Center, there was a group of girls scattered around, some loitering, and some waiting for a jeepney ride. They were loud and boisterous, I was sure they weren’t UP students at all. Anyways, as I was crossing into the front of AS hall, one girl in the middle of the group all of a sudden started screaming and was trying to rip off her blouse. She was looking at her girlfriends, pleading for help. It seems that one of the trees sheltering them delivered an insect straight right into her cleavage. The low cut front of her blouse was really helpful in giving the insect easy access to a comfortable landing. I walked straight on not wanting to see the end of the prepubescent situation.
Jordan 020505\9:37pm
its good to know that UP is always fun. :-)
newsflash from yahoo: modest clothes are coming into fashion daw! say goodbye to tiny-tshirts, t-backs (not tibaks! hehe), and low-riding-too-tight jeans!
too bad for you, i guess. hehe. =)
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